We, yes the most of us, do use computers and all electrical and electronic products for better results and always find it useful, and there is no doubt about it. If we start to use all these things with some greater care it can help not only the natural world, but all humans no matter healthy or sick, rich or poor.
The biorhythm, the harmony with nature is essence of life and we still need to be make some efforts, bit more than we are making right now for going closer and in harmony with nature otherwise the creative arts as always has been cause troubles for the existence of human civilization and all that we have received from billions of years of evolution in the universe among so many other universes.
We may otherwise face so many kinds of extinctions that our life in the solar system may not have any distinction that we still have. In other words, we may allow nature to serve us it always has been serving, the sole aim that is the biorhythm of the universes sustaining the theory of relativity in practical way, Sir Albert Einstein's Philosophy and Art of Science and Life .
I doubt if we can go faster than the rest of the universe as the universe attains its natural evolution in zillions of years not just billions. We need philosophical approach that guides us, and this very approach is selfless in nature and thus for all in the natural world including humans.
The Psychology seems to dominate Philosophy and thus we notice that the one, who is student of Philosophy as I am, may seem as if knowing many things and manipulating by brain power and wit of intelligence. However, the Philosophy deals with wisdom that we derive from Universal Laws and Principles that are also known as Natural Laws and Principle.
The intelligent person may have many doubts and may also have doubtful nature that means being suspicious. On the other hand, the Philosophy does not support suspicion. It aims for practicing the natural laws and principles without having any doubt as to get the results. If one doubts in these laws and principles, the original results and thus effects may never be experienced in entire life no matter how knowledgeable one is.
If we practice natural laws and principles honestly, it is selfless state of mind, which is useful for all. The selfish practice is not for others, but for only for the person doing it in favor of family, group, community at most as if defending the religions and faiths, which also depend and follow the natural laws and principles. There is no religion and faith in its true form that may ever allow any violation of these very natural laws and principles.
Through these we create harmony with natural world and thus one another. If one violates these, the violation creates suspicious nature that cannot make one thinker no matter how intelligent one is as it is not matter of high IQ. It depends on the research, which demands very honest findings that need to be almost selfless to be called a philosophical or pure research otherwise it mutation leading to permutations and combination of information and knowledge.
The pure and applied research works follow theories of induction and deduction that are from the natural laws and principles that govern the natural world as we govern our mind by using these.
So, will you disagree or claim that you doubt me or I seem wrong just because when our results do not seem similar? I may be looking at the laws and principles and you at what is your personal opinion. In this we all are one, so there is no ground to doubt just because the presence of doubt, the innocent brain has curiosity that seems doubt, but it is for knowing and exploring not contradicting any of the natural laws and principles. I hope it can make us think and work together for better results, is not it.
I have found many researches going on helping millions of people, but even the utilitarian theory cannot support that we surpass the universal evolution in our solar system. It is my opinion so I do not have to prove that I am wrong. Smile and read very interesting links of modern development:
Research Index of Knowledge, Simulation of Human Memory ...
- External Sense Inputs:[ VISION ] [ HEARING ] [ SMELL ] [ TOUCH ] [ TASTE ] .... Advances in Neural Population Coding (Progress in Brain Research) ... Purinergic Signalling in Neuron-Glia Interactions (Novartis Foundation Symposia) .... IBM seeks to emulate brain's cognitive abilities in a computer . ...
(Source: Google with thanks to Google.)
It can help understand and improve brain power and using science and technology, and thus IT for the welfare of natural world and human in it.
I have been doing the researches in natural way named as Philselfology that means blending Philosophy and Science with Spirit and Psychology.
It focuses that we are the masters of our body and mind, thus the masters of brain, who uses brain as owner of it; not as a slave. Once we make brain our tool as all other parts of body are we can easily learn the best use of brain and mind powers and energies. Thanks!
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