Research Index of Knowledge, Simulation of Human Memory ...

  1. External Sense Inputs:[ VISION ] [ HEARING ] [ SMELL ] [ TOUCH ] [ TASTE ] .... Advances in Neural Population Coding (Progress in Brain Research) ... Purinergic Signalling in Neuron-Glia Interactions (Novartis Foundation Symposia) .... IBM seeks to emulate brain's cognitive abilities in a computer . ...

    (Source: Google with thanks to Google.)

    It can help understand and improve brain power and using science and technology, and thus IT for the welfare of natural world and human in it. 
    I have been doing the researches in natural way named as Philselfology that means blending Philosophy and Science with Spirit and Psychology. 
    It focuses that we are the masters of our body and mind, thus the masters of brain, who uses brain as owner of it; not as a slave. Once we make brain our tool as all other parts of body are we can easily learn the best use of brain and mind powers and energies. Thanks!